Last update: Sun 02 Aug 2020 06:31:49 PM UTC Block: 10581996

Vat (Vault Engine)

    Line: 568000000.00 the total debt ceiling for all collateral types.

    debt: 363891583.76 the sum of all dai (the total quantity of dai issued).

    vice: 1218223.55 the sum of all sin (the total quantity of system debt).

    live: 1 an access flag for the Vat.

Vow (Settlement)

    sin: 1218223.55 the system debt queue.

    Sin: 1218223.55 the total amount of debt in the queue.

    Ash: 0 the total amount of on-auction debt.

    wait: 561600 length of the debt queue

    sump: 50000.00 debt auction bid size, i.e. the fixed debt quantity to be covered by any one debt auction

    dump: 250.000000000000000000 debt auction lot size, i.e. the starting amount of MKR offered to cover the lot/sump

    bump: 10000.00 surplus auction lot size, i.e. the fixed surplus quantity to be sold by any one surplus auction

    hump: 500000.00 surplus buffer, must be exceeded before surplus auctions are possible

Flipper (Collateral Auctions)


        vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B storage of the Vat's address

        ilk: ETH-A id of the Ilk for which the Flipper is responsible

        beg: 1.030000000000000000 minimum bid increase (default: 5%)

        ttl: 21600 bid duration (default: 3 hours)

        tau: 21600 auction length (default: 2 days)

        kicks: 4990 Total auction count, used to track auction ids


        vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B storage of the Vat's address

        ilk: BAT-A id of the Ilk for which the Flipper is responsible

        beg: 1.030000000000000000 minimum bid increase (default: 5%)

        ttl: 21600 bid duration (default: 3 hours)

        tau: 21600 auction length (default: 2 days)

        kicks: 473 Total auction count, used to track auction ids

Flapper (Surplus Auctions)

    vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B storage of the Vat's address [address]

    ttl: 1800 bid lifetime / max bid duration (default: 3 hours) [uint48]

    lot: 10000.00 lot amount (DAI) [uint]

    beg: 1.020000000000000000 minimum bid increase (default: 5%) [uint]

    tau: 259200 maximum auction duration (default: 2 days) [uint48]

    gem: 0x9f8F72aA9304c8B593d555F12eF6589cC3A579A2 MKR Token [address]

    kicks: 57 total auction count [uint]

    live: 1 cage flag [uint]

Flopper (Debt Auctions)

    lot: 50000.00 quantity up for auction / gems for sale (MKR)

    gal: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 recipient of auction income / receives dai income (this is the Vow contract)

    ttl: 21600 bid lifetime (Max bid duration / single bid lifetime)

    beg: 1.030000000000000000 minimum bid decrease

    pad: 1.200000000000000000 Increase for lot size during tick (default to 50%)

    tau: 259200 maximum auction duration

    vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B the Vat's address

    gem: 0x9f8F72aA9304c8B593d555F12eF6589cC3A579A2 MKR Token (address)

    kicks: .000000000000000106 Total auction count, used to track auction ids

    live: 1 Cage flag

Join (Token Adapters)


        vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B storage of the Vat's address.

        ilk: ETH-A id of the Ilk for which a GemJoin is created for.

        live: 1 an access flag for the join adapter.


        vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B storage of the Vat's address.

        ilk: BAT-A id of the Ilk for which a GemJoin is created for.

        gem: 0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF the address of the ilk for transferring.

        live: 1 an access flag for the join adapter.

        dec: 18 decimals for the Gem.


        vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B storage of the Vat's address.

        ilk: USDC-A id of the Ilk for which a GemJoin is created for.

        gem: 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 the address of the ilk for transferring.

        live: 1 an access flag for the join adapter.

        dec: 6 decimals for the Gem.

Cat (Liquidations)

    live: 1 must be 1 for the Cat to bite (see cage in mechanisms)

    vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B address that conforms to a VatLike interface (see vat documentation [TODO - Link] for more info). It is set during the constructor and cannot be changed.

    vow: 0xA950524441892A31ebddF91d3cEEFa04Bf454466 address that conforms to a VowLike interface (see vow documentation [TODO - Link] for more info).

Pot (Storage)

    Pie: 174210835.382002381788546797 stores the total balance in the Pot.

    dsr: 0 the dai savings rate. It starts as 1 (ONE = 10^27), but can be updated by governance.

    chi: 1.018008449363110619399951035 the rate accumulator. This is the always increasing value which decides how much dai: given when drip() is called.

    vat: 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B an address that conforms to a VatLike interface. It is set during the constructor and cannot be changed.

    vow: 0xA950524441892A31ebddF91d3cEEFa04Bf454466 an address that conforms to a VowLike interface. Not set in constructor. Must be set by governance.

    rho: 1596393084 (Sun 02 Aug 2020 06:31:24 PM UTC) the last time that drip is called.